The Old Centralians’ Trust uses its income (currently over £50,000 per annum) in a wide variety of ways, as described elsewhere. Fortunately, cases of student hardship have not increased to the extent that national and international financial conditions might have implied, and this has allowed the Trust Fund Board to support a wide range of student activities and needs. However, the overall numbers of students have risen sharply in recent years, with the result that the impact of the Trust’s grants and awards has effectively become diluted. Often the sums that the Trust can give tend to act as ‘pump-priming’, in that they encourage other sources of funding to provide help once the first grant has been given, but these other sources are also limited in the help they can provide.
With interest rates at the relatively modest levels now obtaining, and to allow for inflation, we need to invest about £3,000 to £3,500 of capital for every £100 of help we provide annually out of income. We earnestly seek further funds, especially from those who have themselves received assistance from the Trust, to allow the Trust to keep up with student numbers, and would ask all who appreciate the worth of our objects to consider supporting the Trust in some way.
Support can be given through regular contributions (preferably using a standing order or through a company ‘Give-as-you-Earn’ scheme); through one-off donations of capital, or by including a legacy to the Old Centralians’ Trust when making or revising a will. Where regular or single donations are made out of taxed UK income, it is possible to sign a ‘Gift Aid’ declaration in favour of the Trust, allowing us to reclaim an additional 25% from the Inland Revenue. Higher rate taxpayers can then declare their giving when completing the annual tax return, and receive further relief on the amount given.
Donations will ideally be offered on an ‘unrestricted’ basis, in which case the Trust will apply the income where it is needed most, or alternatively may be directed towards any specific fund at the discretion of the donor. In all cases cheques should be made payable to “The Old Centralians’ Trust Fund”. If considering a legacy it may be best to discuss with the Chairman of the Trust, in order to ensure that the details of bequest, including the address of the Trust and its Charity Registration Number are correctly quoted. Please contact us if you would like to speak with a representative of the Trust.

Where regular or single donations are made out of taxed UK income, it is possible to sign a ‘Gift Aid’ declaration in favour of the Trust, allowing us to reclaim an additional 25% from the Inland Revenue (a ‘download’ link for this can be found below).